site_type files

The site_type files are generated for every FPGA site type. They store the information about the pins and PIPs of the site.

Naming convention

The naming scheme for the site type files is the following:


Example files:

  • site_type_IDELAYE2.json

  • site_type_PLLE2_ADV.json

  • site_type_SLICEL.json

File format

The site type files are JSON files with the following scheme:

    "site_pins": {
        "<PIN_NAME>": {
            "direction": "<DIR>"
    "site_pips": {
        "<PIP_NAME>": {
            "from_pin": "<PIN_NAME>",
            "to_pin": "<PIN_NAME>"
    "type": "<TYPE>"


  • <PIN_NAME> - specifies the site pin name

  • <PIP_NAME> - specifies the site pip name

  • <DIR> - is a direction of a pin (either IN or OUT)

  • <TYPE> - specifies the site type

The "site_pins" section describes the input pins of a site and its directions. The "site_pips" describes the PIPs inside the site and which wires they can connect.


Below there is a part of site_type_SLICEL.json file for the artix7 architecture:

   "site_pins": {
      "A": {
         "direction": "OUT"
      "A1": {
         "direction": "IN"
      "A2": {
         "direction": "IN"
      "A3": {
         "direction": "IN"
      "A4": {
         "direction": "IN"
      "A5": {
         "direction": "IN"
      "A6": {
         "direction": "IN"
   "site_pips": {
      "A5FFMUX:IN_A": {
         "from_pin": "IN_A",
         "to_pin": "OUT"
      "A5FFMUX:IN_B": {
         "from_pin": "IN_B",
         "to_pin": "OUT"
      "A5LUT:A1": {
         "from_pin": "A1",
         "to_pin": "O5"
      "A5LUT:A2": {
         "from_pin": "A2",
         "to_pin": "O5"
      "A5LUT:A3": {
         "from_pin": "A3",
         "to_pin": "O5"
      "A5LUT:A4": {
         "from_pin": "A4",
         "to_pin": "O5"
      "A5LUT:A5": {
         "from_pin": "A5",
         "to_pin": "O5"
   "type": "SLICEL"

Compare the description with the Xilinx documentation of that site.