================= package_pins file ================= The ``package_pins.csv`` is a simple file that describes the pins of the particular FPGA chip package. File format ----------- Every row in the file represents a single pin. Each of the pins is characterized by: - ``pin`` - The package pin name - ``bank`` - The ID of *IO BANK* to which the pin is connected. It should match with the data from the :doc:`part file<./part>` - ``site`` - The :term:`site ` to which the pin belongs - ``tile`` - The :term:`tile ` to which the pin belongs - ``pin_function`` - The function of the pin Example ------- .. code-block:: A1,35,IOB_X1Y97,RIOB33_X43Y97,IO_L1N_T0_AD4N_35 This line means that the pin ``A1`` which belongs to *IO BANK* ``35``, of ``IOB_X1Y97`` :term:`site ` in ``RIOB33_X43Y97`` :term:`tile ` has ``IO_L1N_T0_AD4N_35`` function.